Miami Music

While I was at Miami University, I had the privilege of being in the MUCG (Miami University Men's Glee Club), the Renaissance Singers, The Chorale, as well as singing with The Choraliers, and cutting up with the Men's and Women's Quartets.   These were some of the best times of my life and I know that many, if not most of my fellow students, feel the same way.   

Accordingly, I have created pages to provide audio and video recordings of some of those performances.   I retrieved most of the audio files from the MU Music Library (on tape) just prior to them being destroyed (due to lack of space).   They represent performances from 1969 - 1973.    I also copied files from the albums produced curing that time period.  The video files were taken by me and/or Diane from our 100th and 103rd Glee Club Anniversary concerts.

Also included in the audio section are some recordings from a 1957 album recorded by the MUGC and the MU Marching Band (who each got one side of the album).   

100th Anniversary Concert
June (2007)
A collection of Videos and Photos from the 2007 Alumni Weekend, Rehearsal, & Concert
103rd Anniversary Concert
June (2010)
A collection of Videos and Photos from the 2010 Alumni Weekend, Rehearsal, & Concert
Audio and Photos From
1957, and 1969-1973
A collection of Audio Files & Photos from 1969-1973 Plus an Album from 1957 by the MUGC and the MU Marching Band